Friday 16 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback? 

This question consisted of me looking at all the feedback I had been given throughout the last year and discussing what it was and how it helped me with the creation of my 3 products. 

In the video I discussed :

* The Initial interviews - These helped me discover what people thought the typical codes and conventions were of a teaser trailer and help me see a little insight into what horror trailers consisted of.

The Questionnaires -  These were handed out to my class and focused more on the genre 'horror' and what they thought made a film/trailer successful. This allowed me to think more about what ideas I could come up with. 

* Proposals - These consisted on 3 ideas that I put on my blog. I then discussed the mise-en-scene, editing, cinematography and sound that I would use. Getting feedback from this really helped my direction and decision of what example to take through to treatment. 

* Name Ideas - I got my influence and direction for what name to call my teaser trailer by getting audience feedback on Facebook. I already had 5 ideas and by asking for peoples on using 'The Unseen' it let me make the decision of using that.

* Tagline Ideas - I had two strong ideas for the tagline for my film for me to use on the poster I was making. I made a questionnaire for my class for them to tick their favorite and 'Once Seen Never Forgotten' won by a mile which was my original favorite so I was very pleased.

* Magazine Name - After focusing on the trailer so much, I had struggled finding a starting point. I knew I wanted a short title for the magazine but I was stuck badly with what to use. I used Facebook and got given the idea 'Take 1' and loved it!! I then used this to come up with 'Quiet Please, Action' as the tagline.

* Teacher Feedback - This was unbelievably helpful throughout the whole design process! It helped me have a consistent second opinion and discuss ideas clearly, resulting in the best possible final product.

* Trailer Feedback - The feedback I received from the class was really supportive and boosted my confidence to a degree because it allowed me to see that they understood what the narrative was and that the decisions I had used were successful. Being told things to adjust/add regarding the sound, also helped dramatically. I also uploaded my link onto Facebook and got a lot of comments saying that they'd want to go and see the film which also made me feel like I had done a good job. 

* Angela's Feedback - This influenced the montage that I included in my final trailer which helped the tension build. 

* Poster and Magazine Feedback - This was given in class and consisted on members of my media group answering what they thought the narrative was, the strengths and the weaknesses. This allowed me to correct and improve on the points that they made

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