Friday 16 March 2012

Evaluation Question 4

How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction And Research, Planning And Evaluation Stages?
Research And Planning (Blogger, Prezi, Excel, Powerpoint, Word, SlideShare, Prezi, Internet) 
Blogger was used again this year to record the process I had made throughout the project. All the research and planning that was carried out went on my blog and I ended up being more experimental and independant regarding the number of posts I did and what I included on them. In addition, I was able to put my evaluation answers on here also.

This programme was used to create a presentation regarding who I wanted to class as my target audience. Alike last year the piece of software proved to be useful and it set my ideas out in a clear way. Prezi was quick to use also since I had already had experience using it and was aware of how to. 

This was used to create my publication plan, which was another task that I had experience in because of last year. This consisted of me writing out all the tasks that needed to be completed this year regarding my trailer, poster and magazine and when I was planning on doing them. 

I used this programme when it came to writing out the scripts, questionnaires, plans for filming etc. Skills within using Microsoft word had been gained throughout the last several years of my education since it's such a common piece of software which is easy to use. 


The internet has been used throughout the whole of the research and planning stage of this project. From using imdb to find out the top horror films, to using youtube to find trailer and score influences, the internet has helped dramatically.

PowerPoint was used to create the pitch at the beginning of the project, which then resulted in using 'Slideshare' to upload it onto my blog. The pitch consisted of different initial ideas that I had regarding plot, location, sound etc.

As said above, Slideshare was used to put my 'pitch' onto my blog. Although I hadn't had experience with the software, I found it was very easy to use and to understand. 

Construction ( SLR Camera's, Sony Camera's, Mini-DV Camcorders, iMovie, Garage Band, iShowU, Photoshop) 

The SLR's were used again this year to take the pictures for my poster and magazine. Unlike last year, I had a lot of experience with these camera's and could therefore think more about the pictures I was taking and look at lighting and the focus more clearly. By doing this, the pictures ended up being better quality and looking more effective, fitting in with the horror genre more obviously. 

The Mini DV camcorders were used to film the teaser trailers this year. These were easy enough to use and I was given my own tape to stick inside it. I also used a tripod for the majority of my trailer to make sure that my footage flowed well, allowing people watching to follow the narrative more easily. 

 I used these camera's in the first year for the same reason as this. These reasons consisted of taking pictures of locations, costumes, make up tests, quick video's for the location recce's etc. The camera's were easy to use and obtain my photo's from and the skills learnt from last year also helped me with this.

iMovie was a new piece of software that got introduced to me this year in Media. I used this programme to create my trailer, do all the editing, add sound, edit parts of the cinematography and also the mise-en-scene if need be. This got a little bit of time to get used to but once experimenting had occurred, it was quite simple and easy to understand.   

Garageband was another programme that was new to me this year. I found this harder than iMovie to get used to. This was probably because I had to create the sound and it was difficult trying to get the effects I wanted to. The sound created in this programme was put towards the score in my teaser trailer to build the tension. 

iShowU was used last year slightly to record some of the progression made during the year for example on the magazine and for the pod-casts. I used this programme for the same reason this year but it helped me greatly when doing my evaluations this year. This is because the evaluations this year consisted more on using technology more therefore I had to talk and show my answers instead of writing them. 

Photoshop helped me create my poster and magazine this year and I did this in practically half the time as it took me last year. This is because of all the time I spent experimenting last year and because I use it in my other college lessons so I am more aware of what is expected now.

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