Wednesday 25 January 2012

Research and Planning: EVERYTHING up to now.

 From watching my trailer, I have cut the sound from the actual clip at the end and positioned it earlier on. I need to sort that out when I get back into college. 

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Research and Planning: Film Magazine update

  • I think the films at the bottom of the page need to have a drop shadow or a black shadow effect behind them to make them stand out a bit more. 
  • I think that the EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW needs to be bigger, since it's the 2nd largest story on the magazine.
  • I need to line up the 'Quiet please, action' wording up with the edge of the T still so that it makes it look neater. 

Friday 20 January 2012

Research and Planning: First preview of trailer to the class.

Today I got my audience feedback from the rest of the class after they watched my teaser trailer. By taking the response and constructive criticism, it will help me in the next couple of weeks when I start to put everything together as a final product.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Research And Planning: Poster Updates

After taking my images for my poster, I had to try out different ways in which I was going to incorporate the main image into it.

Here, I have put a blue tint on the face, but I'd previously cut out the eye so that I knew that it didn't effect that specific area. I then wanted to test out the gradient tool again so that it would fade into the black background. 
 I feel that by adding the gradient effect to the image, it instantly makes it look more effective. A problem I have though is that there is a reflection in top right of the eye which could be an issue.

Research And Planning: Poster Photo's

Today I took the pictures for my poster. Luckily, because it's just of an eye, not much preparation was needed. I took them outside since I knew that I'd getter a better quality photo because of the lighting. I think that these have turned out well, and I esspecially like the 2nd one because of the quality and also the way in which the eye looks.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Research and Planning: Teaser trailer added footage

This is the basis of what most of my trailer is going to look like. I still have a few more clips to add into it, but most of the footage that I took has been edited. In addition to this, I think that the sound is going to pay a big impact on my trailer so I'm hoping that I can create that to the best of my ability.

Research and Planning: Trailer so far 3

Research and Planning: Poster outline

Because I am going to take pictures again of Hannah's eye, I can only do the outline of my poster. This entails me positioning my text and I've sorted out the steel tongs text at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Research and Planning: Film magazine so far

Research and Planning: Photo Manipulation

I've tried looking at the different effects I can get by manipulating the images in Photoshop. For example, there's a picture that I really liked and that I want to use, but I wanted to add a blue tint to it to give it that colder effect to it. I've taken a couple of screen shots to show the difference between the original and the new image.

 In this experiment, I used the colour balance and changed the midtones, shadows and highlights to be more blue influenced. This takes the yellow tint that can be seen on my photo.

Here I have adjusted the colour balance but also added a blue tone to it, I feel that this gives it that hospital feel to it.

Research and Planning: More photo's

Yesterday I finished my filming for my trailer. In addition, I took some more images for my poster or magazine but this time with Angela also.

Monday 16 January 2012

Research and Planning: Trailer so far 2

Here is my trailer so far. At the end, the flash of images will carry on but I haven't had time to do any more so far.

Research and Planning: Magazine Draft

Here's a rough draft of my magazine so far. There are a lot of things I need to change and adjust here.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Research And Planning: Filming Postponed

We were supposed to film on Thursday with Angela and Hannah but a meeting cropped up meaning that Ang couldn't make it, therefore I was limited to what I could film. All I managed to do was do the last part where Hannah is banging on the door. Filming should occur instead on Monday after college.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Research And Planning: Test Shots

Today I stayed behind and did some photography to get some ideas of what photo's I could use on my magazine and film poster.