Wednesday 8 February 2012

Research and Planning: Shot list for montage

Here are some of the ideas that I am thinking of using for my trailer for the montage towards the end of my trailer. I've been trying to think of things I could shoot at home so that it's easier for me.

*I want writing on the mirror. I will shoot this at home on our mirror, that way I can shoot it really easily. I will use red lipstick for the effect.
*I want a small piece of footage of someone holding a knife. This will be an extreme close up, and it doesn't matter who's holding it because I will use an effect on iMovie where it blacks out the finer detail.
*I want to have a shot of someone running and this will be filmed as a POV. This also can be done at home.
*I think that the idea of a newspaper mock up would be a good idea. This is something Angela thought of. I will create this on Photoshop and will be a basic newspaper report saying that the villain has gone missing.

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