Tuesday 13 September 2011

Research and Planning: Photoshop Challenge

Today our teacher set us a photoshop challenge to refresh our minds on how to work photoshop since we had been off college for over 2 months. Our task was to create a simple film poster which was the same genre as the trailer that we are going to be creating in the next few months.First we discussed as a group what we would normally find on a film poster and we came up with: 
  • The title of the film.
  • An image of something that can be associated with the film.
  • A tagline.
  • The release date or text saying 'Coming Soon.'
  • Sometimes the certificate.
  • Sometimes you see stars names at the top of the poster.
  • The cast and crew in a particular font at the bottom of the poster. YOU NEARLY ALWAYS SEE THIS!
  • The Director.
  • We always see a logo of the studio it's made by. 
  • Sometimes they include a website. 
I got a picture of a graveyard off the internet but because my genre is horror I edited the colour balance of this and changed the 'highlights'to red and magenta which gave it that redish tint to it which makes it look darker and more mysterious to how it did previously. The title has a red drop shadow on it which again sticks to that colour scheme. I also got a picture of a scary looking woman off google and blended her into the sky as though she was coming back from the dead which ties in with the title and tag line that I have included. As for the release date, I used the skew and perspective tools on Photoshop to adjust the text to make it look as thought it was on the gravestone.

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