Sunday 30 October 2011

Research And Planning: Arrangements.

Today I went up to Crown Point North to look at the prices in 'Birthdays' for all the Halloween products. They did a surgeons outfit in there for £9.99 which had been brought down from £19.99. I also looked at the make up. I brought a white face paint and a black face paint both at 25p each, which will be ideal when it comes to testing out different ideas.

On Tuesday, I've arranged with Marion, who deals with costumes at the theatre society I attend to go down and have a word with what I am looking for and what ideas she has. In addition, she will give me ideas of prices.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Research And Planning: Costume & Prop List

 For the surgeon I will need:
  • The head cap
  • A face mask
  • Gloves                 
  • And a surgeons outfit.

I will also need a long cover that will be placed over the patient. This will cover there costume. 
I will need surgery equipment which I am borrowing off Biology.
I will also need a spotlight, so maybe a lamp that I have at home, or I can use the one from the media room.

For the villain, since I'm going to use a young girl, it's usually stereotypical to have them dressed in white. I'm unsure whether I want to keep this convention. If I do I will need a mid length white dress or something that will cover most of her body. I will need to make her eyes stand out with black make up but then have her face really pale. This character shouldn't need any props. 

An image from Hampton Theatre Company's production of

For the mental asylum clips at the end, I think that I will have to dress my main character in white.

In a production I was in we had to wear a white overall. If I could get hold of these again, then these might be useful. Again I'd have to ask my theatre. In addition I will have to find white pants. I might have a look around charity shops for these. I want her to have bear feet at the end.

For the main character I will dress her in casual clothing. This will change after the bathroom scene and she will look more 'scruffy.' For example her clothes wont be as casual, and her hair will be a mess and will have black eyes from lack of sleep. The clothes will consist of :

  • Jeans or black trousers/ tracksuit bottoms. Maybe tracksuit bottoms after the bathroom scene. 
  • Pumps/trainers
  • Maybe a hoodie after the bathroom scene. 
  • On bathroom scene I just want a simple top, maybe mid length sleeves. 
I will additionally be shooting some footage in Angela's car and will need access to a room with a computer in it or a laptop. 

Research And Planning: Production Schedule.

Like last year I have made a production schedule including the tasks I need to complete and it also shows a rough guide of when I am going to complete them.

Friday 21 October 2011

Research And Planning: Animated Storyboards

Today we broke up for half term for a week but for the last couple of lessons we've been working on our animated storyboards. It has taken me 2 lessons to draw out my storyboard by hand, and unfortunately I didn't have time to finish editing it on iMovie today. I have tried uploading the individual images but unfortunately, they won't upload.

Now I'm back at college, I have completed my animated storyboard included a little bit of sound and also my editing transitions. After the hospital sound, my score will begin but because I haven't created that yet, I have left it blank. The shots are supposed to change to the time of the beeping but I couldn't get this perfect.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Research And Planning: Name Idea's

In lesson today me and my teacher came up with some possible ideas for my trailer. Some of these were:
  • The Unseen
    I really like this idea, since I feel as though it would sum the film up really well
  • The Eye
    I feel this is too simple and obvious for my film.
  • Visions
    I think that this is a good title but it messes with the plot a bit since the main character isn't having visions so I wouldn't want to confuse the audience in the trailer and put a false idea into their head.
  • Blinded
    I quite like this idea, it relates to the storyline well but I'm unsure since from the title it doesn't sound as creepy as 'The Unseen.'
  • New Sights
    This idea was suggested to me after they found out what the plot was of my teaser trailer. I like this idea too.
I think I'm going to stick with 'The Unseen.' If I have any more ideas, I can always change it since its still only early days. But I have done some audience feedback for this idea on Facebook, to see what people think.

Research And Planning: Prop Organisation

Today I went to the biology room to see whether I would be able to borrow any scalpels/medical instruments to help me with making my teaser trailer. This went successful and she said that her only condition was that she'd have to give them to Angela so she knew for definate that they would be safe.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Research And Planning: Equipment And Software List

The software and equipment I use this year will be very similar to last, but with a few extra's added since I have to make a teaser trailer as well. This year I will use:

* Blogger

I will use blogger to show the examiner my progress throughout my course. This will entail the process I take to make both my poster and magazine, and my teaser trailer.


I will use Photoshop to edit my images and to make my film poster and magazine cover/contents page. This will be the same as last year.


I will use Garageband when I create the score for my teaser trailer. This software is new to me, but as you can see I have done a sound test already to get familiar with the programme.


iMovie is the piece of software that I will use to edit my footage for my teaser trailer. This is also new to our group but we've again already had a go at filming and editing using this programme.

*Mac Computers

The Mac Computers are what I will do most of my work on in lesson and free time. On the other hand, at home I will use my laptop.

*SLR camera's

These are what I will be taking all test shots and pictures with when it comes to making my poster and magazine.


I will use iPhoto to export all pictures from my camera onto the Mac computer or onto my laptop.

*Video Camera.

I will use this to record the footage for my teaser trailer.

Friday 14 October 2011

Research and Planning: Treatment

After getting feedback from the class and my teacher, I've decided to definately go with my first idea. Here is the jist of what I want to occur during my trailer:
  • The camera will start off with a short wide shot of the hospital bed with the patient in and the doctor at the side of her.  
  • The shots will change in time with the heart monitor which will play in the background. The shots will be of the patient and the process. Extreme close ups will be used for her face and eyes. 
  • When I've shown these shots, I'll make the heart monitor sound out with a long continuous beeeeeep and when this is sounding, i'll take the shots I've just shown but will make them snaps, fast enough so that you can't even make out exactly which one it was. 
  • It will then fade to either white or black and the setting will change into after the operation. 
  • The camera will start out of focus and then move in focus. This will represent the teenager opening her eyes for the first time. The sound will be quite faint and calm here.
  • There will be a short clip of her being in her room waking. 
  • Then I'll have flashes of shots. This is where the sound will get louder and more action packed.The shots will symbolise her seeing the villain and her reactions, building up the tension.
  • Low key lighting will be throughout all of this mainly and a lot of jump cuts will be used to create more tension. 
This will change dramatically when I begin to think in more detail. For example when I do my storyboards and when I start to film. 

    Research and Planning: Proposals/Meeting 2

    First Idea:
    Teenage girl goes in for a operation on eyes to stop her from being blind. When it goes successfully she starts seeing the dead and the unreal.

    • Use the human biology room for the hospital. 
    • Modern day. 
    • Spot light at beginning on the patient. 
    • The home later on needs to be modern day. Maybe in bedroom. 
    • This is where the lighting turns low key.
    • Jump cuts when the action starts to occur.
    • Fade to white at the end of shooting the operating theatre. 
    • Dissolves
    • Straight cuts
    • Noise of the heart monitor
    • Heavy breathing
    • Eerie score
    • Screams maybe
    • High angles of the girl to show the vunerability
    • Pan of the rooms shown. 
    • Extreme close up of eyes. 
    • Close ups of victim and of the villain. 
    • Maybe some over the shoulder shots. 
    Second Idea:
    An old church has been knocked down and a theatre has been built over the top of it but strange things start to occur and people start to go missing.

    Mise En Scene:
    • Old church
    • Theatre
    • Low key lighting throughout most.
    • Modern day
    • Props would consist of things from the play that is taking place.
    • Jump cuts when people start to disappear in the theatre. 
    • Straight cuts
    • Dissolves to make it run smoothly.
    • Creaking doors
    • Wind blowing
    • Screaming
    • Heavy Breathing
    • Eerie noises
    • Pan of church - wide shot. Could use this as poster picture. 
    • Handheld filming
    • Close ups of victims, never see villain. 
    • Face level, makes the audience feel more involved. 
    • High angles.
    Third Idea
    Group of teenagers are together at their house because parents are away and there's a new girl which they don't like because she seems different. They invite her anyway. They make her go through many different ordeals during the night and one back fires and she ends up becoming possessed and the tables turn.

    • Family home. Modern day. Typical teenage girls, general clothing.
    • Props, anything around the house. Maybe some spirit books, book of death etc.
    • Low key lighting. Torches.
    • Fast editing. 
    • Jump cuts after she becomes possessed. 
    • Dissolves.
    • Straight cuts.
    • Laughing and giggling. 
    • Screams
    • Banging, doors slamming
    • Distorted noises.
    •  Pans the room maybe a crab as well.
    • Extreme close ups on faces. 
    • Tight framing. 
    • High angles and low angles later on to show superior character. 
    • Wide shot of the group.

    Research and Planning: Sound test

    Today we had a play around on Garage band to get us familar with the tools and how to work it. Our task was to create a short score or piece of music that could be classed as horror/fantasy etc. I found this really difficult and I didn't get very far in lesson so I came back and completed it during dinner. I think that its clear what genre of music it would be classed as but I still think it could have been a lot better. The music for my teaser trailer will include a lot more thought.

    Wednesday 12 October 2011

    Research and Planning: BFI

    We went to visit the BFI where we were able to use the computers to look at documentaries of making of horror films. I specifically looked at the old and new version of Dracula to look at the difference in effect and technology. In addition to this I also looked at a documentary that had been made about Dracula informing me why it was made in the first place.

    Dracula (1958)
    • Was given a 12 certificate.
    • Universal International and Hammer Studio's were the companies behind this film.
    • Shot in black and white.
    • Villain is shot in a black long cloak to suggest mystery.
    • Victim has been shot in white clothing, failing that, light clothing.
    • Most was shot in high key lighting which was surprising since you expect it to be very dark and intense where as in this version it's very different since the only time it changes to low lighting is when Dracula goes to bite the victim.
    Dracula (2006)
    • Was given a 15 certificate.
    • The editing is a lot more effective, faster and it's more varied.
    • Most scenes are shot in low key lighting creating more suspense.
    • A green tint has been used throughout the beginning which makes it look more effective.
    • The sound is creepier and sounds more realistic and better quality. In addition the sound suddenly comes to a Holt, making you think something is going to make you jump.
    • Mise-en-scene is similar to before but because better editing is used, it makes it scarier.
    • More pauses are used which creates an idea of suspicion and creates tension.
    • There's more blood and gore included. For example, when Dracula dies at the end, it's quite disturbing and we also see him twist someones head off.
    Dracula documentry. Nightmare: The Birth Of Horror.
    • This was made in 1996.
    • It says that the reason that it was made is because of a man called Bram Stoker. He had a nightmare one night of 3 vampires and the witches from MacBeth. This and the idea of vampires inspired him.
    • It was set in Villa Diodati on the shores of Lake Geneva.
    • Mise-en-scene consisted of old fashioned houses, fireplaces and wooden floorboards.
    I also looked at the old version of Sweeney Todd.
    • Was made in 1936.
    • This was given a PG certificate.
    • Was shot in Black and White but still lighting was used really well.
    • Costumes were like long dresses for women, bonnets etc.
    • Set in city, busy and packed.
    • Special effects in the new one made it more scary, even though it was a musical.
    • No fast editing, no different editing transitions.

    Research and Planning: London Research

    On the first day we went to the London Film Museum. Here we were able to read up and see props/costumes from certain genres of film. I found this beneficial because there were sections about horror and rooms filled with waxworks etc.

    These two boards stated the history of horror films. The one to the left summarizes saying:
    "Horror films are really difficult to recreate because you have to be able to get into the audience's head."
    The one on the right talks more about different examples of earlier horror films and what they entailed.

    These are some more of the pictures I took from the horror rooms.

    This is a picture of the corridor in the hotel. It doesn't have the intense effect as what it did when we were there but it would have been a great area to shoot some horror footage in since it was never ending.

    Tuesday 11 October 2011

    Research And Planning: London Trip

    From the 5th-7th October, media, graphics, film and art students got taken to London to help them with their course. I found this very beneficial, not only to graphics but to media. Whilst I was away, I visited the National film museum and also the oppotunity to go to the BFI where I collected a lot of research on the change in horror films over the last 50 years. I will be posting this information on my blog and also providing pictures from my trip.

    Sunday 2 October 2011

    Research And Planning: Production Companies.

    I'm going to look at examples of Production Companies. These are usually shown with their logo at some point during a teaser trailer or a normal trailer.

    Dreamworks usually produces a lot of childrens animated films with the certificate of a U or PG. Some examples of this would be Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda etc.

     Fox searchlight on the other hand produced some horror films such as 28 Days Later and The Black Swan. Over the next few weeks I will have to think about what I will want my logo to look like and what company name will go well with my genre of film since this will have to be shown at some point during my teaser trailer and it will look better if I create my own instead of using something existent.

    I'm thinking of making it quite simple, but also quite eerie looking so that it corresponds well with my horror genre. Therefore I might think of looking at using a black background with a brighter font and image in the foreground and a name that relates well.