Friday 14 October 2011

Research and Planning: Treatment

After getting feedback from the class and my teacher, I've decided to definately go with my first idea. Here is the jist of what I want to occur during my trailer:
  • The camera will start off with a short wide shot of the hospital bed with the patient in and the doctor at the side of her.  
  • The shots will change in time with the heart monitor which will play in the background. The shots will be of the patient and the process. Extreme close ups will be used for her face and eyes. 
  • When I've shown these shots, I'll make the heart monitor sound out with a long continuous beeeeeep and when this is sounding, i'll take the shots I've just shown but will make them snaps, fast enough so that you can't even make out exactly which one it was. 
  • It will then fade to either white or black and the setting will change into after the operation. 
  • The camera will start out of focus and then move in focus. This will represent the teenager opening her eyes for the first time. The sound will be quite faint and calm here.
  • There will be a short clip of her being in her room waking. 
  • Then I'll have flashes of shots. This is where the sound will get louder and more action packed.The shots will symbolise her seeing the villain and her reactions, building up the tension.
  • Low key lighting will be throughout all of this mainly and a lot of jump cuts will be used to create more tension. 
This will change dramatically when I begin to think in more detail. For example when I do my storyboards and when I start to film. 

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