Tuesday 29 November 2011

Research and Planning: Font Ideas For Film Poster

I LOVE this font. I think it's a shame that the blur on specific letters isn't more obvious. I could manipulate this though in Photoshop or maybe feather it so it gives the effect that I used on my audition poster. Overall I really like this font.

I experimented with this font. I thought that if I put a black background behind it, it would give a nice effect, but the writing doesn't have a white fill, it just takes the fill of whatever the background is. As a result of this, I don't think that this font is very suitable. 

I wanted to try this font out to see how it looked. I like the style but I'm not sure if it fits my film very well. I was thinking of feathering the top of the font so that part of it is hidden and it gets stronger as it goes down. But I'm unsure whether it will work. 
I like this font because of the distortion that has been added to it. On the other hand, I'm unsure if it's too much and if it wouldn't stand out enough on a film poster. 

Research and Planning: Plan Of The Week

 This week I am hoping to get the rest of my planning sorted so that I can hopefully start filming next week. This is what I want to complete:
  • I want to get the other two audition forms filled out. 
  • I want to look at the different fonts for my magazine and film poster. 
  • I need to get a couple more people to audition for my trailer. 

Friday 25 November 2011

Research and Planning: Actor Release Forms

This the actor release form for Angela Pearson who is playing my villain.
This is the actor release form for Steven who is playing the Doctor. 

 This is the actor release form for Hannah who is playing my victim.

This has been filled out so that the college, nor myself can get in trouble for filming her during my trailer.

Research and Planning: Film Magazine Analysis 3

Because I got the genre wrong on one of my film analysis', I'm going to write another one.
* You can tell this is a film magazine because of the traditional conventions that have been used. These consist of:
  • A masthead which has the biggest font out of everything on the page. 
  • A barcode
  • Usually Total Film magazine has a tag line but on this issue, it doesn't. 
  • The main story
  • The issue number and date of release
  • Other stories
  • There website
* You can tell that it's a horror film because of the main image. You can see that there's blood dripping from the girls hands which instantly gives us that idea. 

* The colours consist of white, red and blue. Red generally is considered to be a colour related to death and pain. Also the words that have been used on the page. The story on the right hand side has been called 'The Deadly Megan Fox' which gives us the impression that it is advertising a horror film.

* The magazine is targeted, in my opinion at a younger audience. This is because of the character we can see looks as though she's a college student because of her costume being a cheerleaders outfit. Therefore it would target people between the ages of 15-18 most.

* Females will be targeted more with this film. Again this is the idea because of the character shown on the front cover. In contrast with this, males might watch the film because they might objectify her with her being in a cheerleader outfit.

* The masthead stands out the most on the cover as it is the darkest and largest font on the whole page. In addition, the long shot of the character shows more of an insight into what part of the narrative is.

Research and Planning: Location Recce 5

This post includes a Location Recce for the corridor that is representing the mental asylum. There is also a risk assessment document that I've included.

Research and Planning: Location Recce 4

This post includes a location recce for Connors house and it also includes a risk assessment document.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Research and Planning: Location Recce 3

This post will include a location recce and a risk assessment document for the clips with Angela's car.

Research and Planning: Location Recce 2

This post includes a location recce and a risk assessment document of another location that I will be using in my film trailer.

Here is a video that I have taken so that you can see the room at a better angle. 

Research and Planning: Plan Of The Week

The plan for this week is to get some of the production documents completely out of the way. These are the tasks I want to complete this week:
  • Finish off uploading the video's and pictures from Connor's and talk about the pro's and cons about them. 
  • Get a video audition of my victim character and upload that on the 'Scripts' post.
  • Do a risk assessment document and add it to the 'Location 1' post. 
  • Do the rest of my location recce's and risk assessments for location 2 (the hospital room), location 3 (Angela's car), location 4 (Connors house) and location 5 (the corridor for the mental asylum

    Friday 18 November 2011

    Research And Planning: Update!

    Today I went to Connors to look at the possible filming locations. There were 4 rooms in which I looked at:

    • Connors room
    • His Mums room
    • His younger sisters room
    • His younger brothers room. 

    Originally I was going to use his younger sisters room, but after looking at it, it's too young for the character of Hannah.

     I then looked at his younger brothers room, since the wallpaper doesn't give away that it's a boys room too much. But I felt that it still didn't look suitable. In addition, there wasn't a lot of space for moving around which may have become an issue when filming.

    Next I looked in Connors room. I like the effect of this room, there's a lot of room to film which will make it easier to get all the different angles and shot types in. Plus the bedding and wall paper could be used for either a male or female character so this wouldn't be an issue.

    Lastly I looked at his Mums room, again, this was an ideal room to shoot in as it gave off an elder feel to it. A problem with this room is that there is a mirror facing where I would be filming which could be an issue and make things more complicated. In addition, I don't think the character would necessarily have a double bed.

    Research and Planning: Scripts For Auditions

     My trailer will consist of 3 people. The doctor, the villain and the victim.

    Because the villain has no speech in my trailer I have just taken a picture of her instead.
     The doctor in my clip only needs to say ' Hannah? Hannah? Can you hear me? How are you feeling?'

    I have written a script for the victim character.

    Some people say seeing is believing, but what if you are unable to see? When a one in a lifetime opportunity appears, do you take it? A week ago, I would have said yes, but now my eyesight has been restored, I’m starting to wonder.

    I have two different routes that I am going to consider:
    • The first is that I will set the equilibrium a bit more and have the young girl doing the voiceover that is above. This may suggest that she's quite a strong character though.
    • The second is that, I use the doctor more and we will hear him talking to the nurse/mum about the operation that the patient will be having. If I go with this idea, I will use parts of the victim's audition piece as the captions.

    Research and Planning: Audition Poster

    I have created my audition poster in Photoshop advertising parts for my film trailer.

    Thursday 17 November 2011

    Research and Planning: Publication Plan


    Research And Planning: Change Of Plan

    Today I was supposed to go up to Connors to film a location recce and take some test shots of the room I want to film in. This has been postponed to tomorrow at 12:15 since it makes the arrangement easier for us both.

    Research And Planning: Magazine Price Research

    Before making my Publication plan on Prezi, I wanted to check that the price ranges were correct. Therefore I have gone onto different websites and used pictures of well known existing film magazines to find out the prices of them.

    Total FilmTOTAL FILM = £3.99

    EMPIRE = £3.99

    SIGHT & SOUND = £3.95

    Wednesday 16 November 2011

    Research and Planning: Publication Plan Idea's

    • Name - 
    • Positioning Statement - 
    • Price - £3.90 (the range of prices usually vary between £3.90 and £4.10) 
    • Frequency : It will get published every month.
    • Distribution - In newsagents, supermarkets, in local cinemas to advertise their upcoming films. I would also want it to be bought on their website.
    • Rationale: The aim of my magazine is to advertise the latest films and allow readers to find out information of films coming soon and showing times of films at their local cinemas.
    • Style: The colour scheme for my magazine will be black, white and red as I want my issue to base most of it's attention on horror because of my film trailer. The masthead will be the largest font on the page and will be situated at the top of the page.
    • Regular Content: Current/coming soon films, show times, competitions, interviews
    • Featured Content: The Unseen information.
    As you can see I was struggling to think of a name for my magazine. As a result of this, I couldn't come up with my positioning statement either. I was thinking of calling it 'Watch It' since it's simple but I wasn't too sure. Therefore I went onto Facebook and asked other peoples opinions, for them to say what they thought and whether they had any ideas of their own.   

    Take 1 immediately stood out to me! I love this idea :) and I have came up with the positioning statement being something like 'Quiet Please' before it. I'm thinking of having 'ACTION' after it . 

    Research and Planning: Location Meeting

    Tomorrow, I am going to go to Connor's house to take some test shots and do my location recce's. Originally I was going to do some filming but me and Angela feel that it would be too short notice to get everything sorted out for it.
    After tomorrow I should have a location video, some test shots and some short clips of filming.

    Friday 11 November 2011

    Research and Planning: Film Magazine Drafts And Conventions.

    The Codes and Conventions You'd Expect To Find On A Film Magazine Cover Are:

    - The masthead
    - Slugline
    - Barcode
    - Main Image
    - Price
    - Release date
    - Issue Number
    - Main Story
    - Stories Inside.    

    Research and Planning: Film Magazine Analysis 2


    * You can again tell that this is a film magazine and not a poster because of the typical conventions of a magazine. These consist of the masthead, main image, slug line, price, bar code, release month, inside story with its tagline

    * You can tell that it's promoting a horror film because of the image and the props that have been used. The main image gives a lot away. The prop of a gun immediately gives us the impression that it's a horror film and the serious facial expressions give it away also.

    * The colour scheme is the same throughout all of the editions which makes it look more professional as a whole. The colours consist of red, white and black which a bit of brown. All of these are dull colours and again, red is usually associated with blood and pain and black suggests death and darkness.

    * The magazine would be targeted at, again, big film lovers. These people will probably be of a older age (28-35) and this magazine would be for either gender. 

    * The masthead stands out, but has been put behind the image in this magazine because readers that would normally buy this would already know the name. In addition it is the largest font on the whole page.