Friday 11 November 2011

Research and Planning: Film Magazine Analysis 1


* This film magazine is marketing and promoting a horror film.  You can tell this because of how it has been designed. 

* Magazines usually consist of 3 colours in their colour scheme. This one on the other hand, consists of four which are red, black, white and blue. These are good choices since horror is usually associated with red and black. This is because red = blood, pain etc and black = death. In addition you have the blue which suggests a cold and dark feel to the magazine.

* The masthead stands out a lot, since it's in a bold font and in red which stands out a lot on the black background. In addition, it's the largest font on the whole page.

* The image takes up most of the page, and keeps the mystery existent because the image doesn't give much away. In addition, it looks spooky and you can tell that it isn't advertising a comedy film because the facial expression isn't positive and happy.

* You can tell that it's a magazine and not a poster because it has the typical film conventions which are:
  • A Masthead 
  • Barcode
  • Stories from inside
  • A main film.
  • A main image.
  • A website.
  • A date and issue number which I think is included in the barcode. 
* The target audience for this magazine, would be for film lovers, especially those who love horror films. By the blue image, it suggests that the magazine would be more suitable for a male audience. The age of people who would probably buy this magazine would be about 30+

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