Friday 25 November 2011

Research and Planning: Film Magazine Analysis 3

Because I got the genre wrong on one of my film analysis', I'm going to write another one.
* You can tell this is a film magazine because of the traditional conventions that have been used. These consist of:
  • A masthead which has the biggest font out of everything on the page. 
  • A barcode
  • Usually Total Film magazine has a tag line but on this issue, it doesn't. 
  • The main story
  • The issue number and date of release
  • Other stories
  • There website
* You can tell that it's a horror film because of the main image. You can see that there's blood dripping from the girls hands which instantly gives us that idea. 

* The colours consist of white, red and blue. Red generally is considered to be a colour related to death and pain. Also the words that have been used on the page. The story on the right hand side has been called 'The Deadly Megan Fox' which gives us the impression that it is advertising a horror film.

* The magazine is targeted, in my opinion at a younger audience. This is because of the character we can see looks as though she's a college student because of her costume being a cheerleaders outfit. Therefore it would target people between the ages of 15-18 most.

* Females will be targeted more with this film. Again this is the idea because of the character shown on the front cover. In contrast with this, males might watch the film because they might objectify her with her being in a cheerleader outfit.

* The masthead stands out the most on the cover as it is the darkest and largest font on the whole page. In addition, the long shot of the character shows more of an insight into what part of the narrative is.

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