Friday 18 November 2011

Research and Planning: Scripts For Auditions

 My trailer will consist of 3 people. The doctor, the villain and the victim.

Because the villain has no speech in my trailer I have just taken a picture of her instead.
 The doctor in my clip only needs to say ' Hannah? Hannah? Can you hear me? How are you feeling?'

I have written a script for the victim character.

Some people say seeing is believing, but what if you are unable to see? When a one in a lifetime opportunity appears, do you take it? A week ago, I would have said yes, but now my eyesight has been restored, I’m starting to wonder.

I have two different routes that I am going to consider:
  • The first is that I will set the equilibrium a bit more and have the young girl doing the voiceover that is above. This may suggest that she's quite a strong character though.
  • The second is that, I use the doctor more and we will hear him talking to the nurse/mum about the operation that the patient will be having. If I go with this idea, I will use parts of the victim's audition piece as the captions.

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