Wednesday 16 November 2011

Research and Planning: Publication Plan Idea's

  • Name - 
  • Positioning Statement - 
  • Price - £3.90 (the range of prices usually vary between £3.90 and £4.10) 
  • Frequency : It will get published every month.
  • Distribution - In newsagents, supermarkets, in local cinemas to advertise their upcoming films. I would also want it to be bought on their website.
  • Rationale: The aim of my magazine is to advertise the latest films and allow readers to find out information of films coming soon and showing times of films at their local cinemas.
  • Style: The colour scheme for my magazine will be black, white and red as I want my issue to base most of it's attention on horror because of my film trailer. The masthead will be the largest font on the page and will be situated at the top of the page.
  • Regular Content: Current/coming soon films, show times, competitions, interviews
  • Featured Content: The Unseen information.
As you can see I was struggling to think of a name for my magazine. As a result of this, I couldn't come up with my positioning statement either. I was thinking of calling it 'Watch It' since it's simple but I wasn't too sure. Therefore I went onto Facebook and asked other peoples opinions, for them to say what they thought and whether they had any ideas of their own.   

Take 1 immediately stood out to me! I love this idea :) and I have came up with the positioning statement being something like 'Quiet Please' before it. I'm thinking of having 'ACTION' after it . 

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